Thursday 17 December 2015


Gen 37:5-8, Daniel 2:19.
Your vision may align with your talent but your talent may not align with your vision.

Your vision is your goal, what you're aiming for, what you wanna achieve. But your talent is what you're good at what you can do with ease.
For example: David's talent was music, he was good with the harp but he had a vision (1 Sam 17) he was gonna be King.God  wanted that for him.  You'd agree with me that Kingship doesn't align with singing or music. But music afforded him the opportunity to learn kingship.
You might have a talent BUT you might be vision less.

The purpose of Vision.
1) it expands your horizon. When you don't have vision you tag along but when you have vision it expands your horizon. Prov.29:18. A man without vision lives just to exist but a man with vision lives to impact. Dan. 2:19-24. Daniel had a vision, his horizon was expanded and he interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.

2) Vision accelerates your capacity. It was one of the reasons why David could defeat Goliath. When you have a vision, when others get tired you keep going.

3) Vision inhibits your challenges. When you have a vision challenges are like hurdles you cross over them.

Don't listen to what people say, stick with your vision. Don't get depressed.

 it drives you. It motivates you, it propels you. When you have a vision you run against the wind. It might look unrealizable,unachievable but it's still a vision that can be achieved.

By Pastor Tobe Nnadozie.

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