Sunday 13 December 2015

Love: The biblical Perspective.

There are different definitions of love. But I'd define love as the affection God showed towards us by sending his son (Jesus) to die for us.. (funke's definition tho)
There are 4 different kinds of love.
Storge, Eros,Phileo and agape love.

Storge - it's the kind of love you have towards your family and relations. Eg the love a mother has towards her child.
Eros- the love between couples. It isn't permitted outside marriage.
Phileo - it's the kind of love that exists between friends.
Agape- God's love towards us.

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Love is God.  And you cannot love God's way without experiencing his love.
Love is obedient jn 14:15
Love is a choice. It's a choice you have to make everyday of you life. Either to follow the way of the flesh or the spirit

Reasons why we should love;
1)Because it's God's command- we are to love everyone irrespective of who they are.
2)Because it's a weapon of war: it can quench any kind of hatred.
3)Love is a destiny changer..  What you do for others comes back to you. If you sow love you'd get favour and love in return.
4)its the fulfillment of the law.

By Oyinye Etoniru


  1. Nice one Funke,thanks for sharing on your blog, didn't know you are a blogger. Keep it up. God bless you.

  2. Amen. God bless you too. And thanks for viewing my blog
